ABC Family,
Make It or Break It,
TV Series

Watch Make It or Break It Episode 8.
Last week, TV viewers in the US and worldwide are looking for the
Make It or Break It "Run, Emily, Run" episode. For those of you guys who missed it, here's a quick recap of ABC Family's
Make It or Break It Episode 7:
"The Rock is gearing up for Nationals and with it comes more pressure, while Emily has to deal with the consequences of her actions."
If you enjoyed watching the last episode of Make It or Break It, I'm sure you will enjoy Make It or Break It episode 8 entitled as "All's Fair In Love, War and Gymnastics" which will be released on August 10, 2009 (8/10/2009).
Here's a brief Make It or Break It Episode 8 preview / synopsis / spoiler:
- With everyone gearing up for Nationals, the pressure is on at The Rock.
- To celebrate, the Cruz family is hosting the Nationals send-off party where, it turns out, everyone has his/her own agenda.
- Still dealing with her back pain, Payson decides to take a fellow gymnast up on his offer for some anti-inflammatory medicine behind her Mom's back.
- Summer plays a new card in her relationship with Lauren to see if she could finally turn things around.
- Lauren, on the other hand, has decided to make her final move to break up Carter and Kaylie for good, with explosive results.
- But with all the drama going down at the party, what should be a fun event turns out to be something very different.
- Meanwhile, Chloe is struggling to make ends meet, but refuses to let Emily know of their latest financial struggles.
Find out what will happen to Make it or Break it Season 1 episode 8 when it is released next week. Be sure to check your local listings for the time and availability in your area.
Shugo Chara,
Shugo Chara Doki

Watch Shugo Chara Doki Episode 95 "Rima and Yaya, the Bond of a Pearl! (Rima to Yaya, Shinju no Kizuna! - りまとやや、真珠の絆 きずな!)" Online Stream.
Shugo Chara - Shugo Kyara - しゅごキャラ means My Guardian Characters in English. This is one of the most exciting anime series, watched by millions of anime fans worldwide. If you missed Shugo Chara Episode 94 last week, here's a quick recap for you to catch up:
Shugo Chara Doki ep 94 "Onward! Calico Cat Search Party!?":
Yaya brings in a stray kitten that she had found. The Guardians order their Guardian Characters to take care of the kitten, but the Guardian Characters have lost the kitten after awhile. Yaya and Amu find the kitten and the Guardians propose a search party for the kitten's owner. Students from each class prepare posters, food, a cage and fliers to help find the owner. During the distrubution of the fliers, Ikuto appears as Death Rebel and plays his violin, causing all the kids' eggs to turn into X Eggs. Amu, Tadase, and Nagihiko Character Transform into Amulet Heart, Platinum Royale, and Beat Jumper. As many X Eggs gather, Kazuomi shuts down the tuning fork, dissolving Ikuto's transformation. Amu and Tadase use Platinum Heart and turn all the X Eggs back to normal. Kazuomi realizes that the Embryo is not attracted to X Eggs, but the purification of X Eggs. Ikuto was forced to return to Easter. Amu, Tadase, and Nagihiko return to the normal, and everyone continues searching for the kitten's owner. The kitten's owner was then found and Yaya named the kitten Tama-chan. A poster about an upcoming violin concert features a boy bearing very strong similarities to Ikuto.
I'm excited to know what will happen to Shugo Chara Doki ep 95, and I know you are too. Shugo Chara Doki Episode 95 will be released on August 8, 2009 (8/8/2009). The raw episode is entitled "Rima to Yaya, Shinju no Kizuna! - りまとやや、真珠の絆 きずな!)" which simply means "Rima and Yaya, the Bond of a Pearl!" in English. The initial Shugo Chara Episode 95 raw will be released first, followed by Shugo Chara Episode 95 English Sub.
Pandora Hearts

Watch Pandora Hearts "The Pool of Tears" (Namida no Ike - 涙の池) Online Stream
Did you miss the last episode of
Pandora Hearts, episode 18? If so, then here's what you missed:
Pandora Hearts Episode 18 is entitled
"Eliot & Leo" or
"To Aru Juusha no Shi ni Tsuite (とある従者の死について)" in Japanese / Raw.
At Latowidge Academy, Oz encountered two students named Leo and Elliot in the library, and soon got into an argument with Elliot. Whilst trying to avoid him, Oz and Ada were captured by some Baskervilles and taken to a secret chamber beneath the school. However, luckily for the siblings, Leo and Elliot arrived to help them escape. While in the tunnel, Elliot confronted Oz, who asked him why he would give himself up so easily to save someone else. Oz answered back saying that his sadness would just be placed on the ones he leaves behind.
I know all of you guys are excited to find out and watch Pandora Hearts Episode 19 which is entitled "The Pool of Tears". We won't have to wait long because Pandora Hearts ep 19 will be initially released on August 6, 2009 (8/6/2009) as Pandora Hearts Episode 19 Raw or Japanese. Pandora Hearts Episode 19 Subbed versions will be released days after. Just check your local listings for the time and availability in your area.
Bakugan New Vestroia

Watch Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 18 - "Gone, Gone Bakugan?"
Have you watched the last episode of Bakugan New Vestroia, episode 17? Bakugan New Vestroia is not just for kids. For parents or young adults out there, ever wondered why millions of children worldwide are hooked up Bakugan New Vestroia series? Anyway, if you missed Bakugan New Vestroia episode 17 last August 2, here's what you missed:
Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 17 Synopsis:
- Dan was upset about losing Drago but tries to move on and think of ways to get him back: Dan started with all out intensive training.
- On New Vestroia, Mylene wanted to close to portal to keep Dan and the others on Earth, but Hydron ordered her not to so as to allow Spectra and Gus time to return, which angered Mylene, who greatly enjoys her new power.
- Apollonir stated that they must retrieve Drago as the Perfect Core is losing power and the other two dimension controllers are growing stronger.
- While training, Dan fainted and had a fever.
- Dan ran out into the park, called out to Drago and lamented over how he lost Drago.
- Apollonir then showed up and to retrieve Drago, but Dan regretfully informed him that he lost Drago.
- Apollonir was disappointed that Dan has given up so easily and suggested that Drago is also upset at himself for losing the battle and letting Dan down.
- Dan woke up and found out that Apollonir has crossed over to Earth!
- Apollonir, linked to the Perfect Core like Drago, has easily found Spectra and teleport everyone there.
- Spectra accepted Dan's challenge but brought out Helios to test if Apollonir is worthy of fighting Drago.
- Apollonir lectureed Spectra on true Bakugan spirit but Spectra believed that power is the only way to win and brought out his Bakugan Trap Metalfencer.
- Apollonir easily took them both down in one hit.
- Spectra finally sends out Drago, but Dan is shocked to see his friend has been altered in appearance while under Spectra's control.
Now, do you believe me when I say that Bakugan New Vestoia is an anime series every weekends that you just can't miss? Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 18 will be released on August 9, 2009 (8/9/2009). Don't miss it! Watch it when it is released in your area. Check your local listings for the time and availability in your area.
TV Series,

Watch Weeds Season 5 Episode 10 "Perro Insano"
Showtime Network is having a great year. Two of their TV series are topping the charts,
Nurse Jackie and
Weeds Season 5 is considered by many as one of the most addictive TV series on the US today. Worldwide audiences are also are tuned into
Weeds Season 5 every Monday nights. Coming this August 10, 2009 (8/10/2009),
Weeds Season 5 Episode 10 "Perro Isano" will be released.
First, here's a quick recap on Weeds Season 5 Episode 9 "Suck 'n' Spit" which aired last August 3:
Nancy and Andy grew closer together while they try to be good parents. Also, Celia and Dean worked together and exploited their product surplus.
Now, I know your looking for some Weeds Season 5 Episode 10 preview / synopsis / spoiler:
With the arrival of new enemies, Shane and Silas needs Nancy's protection. Meanwhile, Andy plans his future with Audra, while Doug and Dean make a plan to put an end to Celia's marijuana business. Again, the title of this episode is "Perro Insano", we'll find out on Aug. 10 why.
Is this the Weeds Season 5 Finale? The site I'm using suggests that Weeds Season 5 will end on Episode 10. If so, then you must really watch Weeds Season 5 Episode 10 which may also be Weeds Season 5 Finale Episode. Check your local listings for the time in your area.
Nurse Jackie,
TV Series

Watch Nurse Jackie Season 1 Episode 11
On the upcoming episode of
Nurse Jackie this August 17th,
Nurse Jackie's worst fear has finally happened.
Nurse Jackie gets cut off her Percocet supply when Eddie is finally replaced by a pill-dispensing machine. Meanwhile, Zoey makes a mistake and gives a wrong dosis of a painkiller and Mrs. Akalitus has to deal with the parents of her foundling.
Nurse Jackie Season 1 Episode 11 is entitled "Pill-O-Matix". Its pretty obvious why its titled like that, simply because Nurse Jackie's friend Eddie gets replaced by a pill-dispensing machine, which is a big problem for Nurse Jackie. Be sure to watch this surely drama and comedy-filled episode of Nurse Jackie when it is released on 8/17/2009.
Don't miss any of the upcoming episodes of Nurse Jackie Season 1 every Monday nights. Nurse Jackie Episode 11 is the 2nd to the last episode of Nurse Jackie or the much anticipated Nurse Jackie Season 1 Finale.
Nurse Jackie,
TV Series

Series Title: Nurse Jackie
Episode No.: 10
Title: "Ring Finger"
Network / Channel: Showtime
Release Date: August 10, 2009
Release Time: 10:30 PM ET
Before I proceed to Nurse Jackie Episode 10, let me first give you a quick recap on what happened in the previous Nurse Jackie episode (Episode 9) entitled as "Nose Bleed":
- Nurse Jackie Episode 9 was released last August 3, 2009 (8/3/2009).
- Nurse Jackie dealt with the consequences of her drug abuse.
- Zoey's criticized Jackie's initial treatment of a patient.
- Nurse Jackie falsified an organ donor's file.
Actually, Nurse Jackie's problems from episode 9 has spilled into episode 10. I assure you that you will enjoy Nurse Jackie Season 1 Episode 10 as it is expected to be dramatic and more suspenseful than before.
Here's what to expect on the next episode (Nurse Jackie Episode 10 preview):
Nurse Jackie has to come up with drastic measures to keep Dr. Cooper from exposing her for falsifying an organ donor's file. Besides, Nurse Jackie can't take her wedding ring off when she is about to meet Eddie and seeks Dr. O'Hara's help.
Mark your calendars now. Nurse Jackie Season 1 Episode 10 "Ring Finger" will be released on August 10, 2009, that's exactly a week from now. Check your local listings for the release information in your area.
FMA Brotherhood,
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Anime Title: Full Metal Alchemist (FMA) - Brotherhood
Episode No. 19
Raw/ Japanese Title: "Shinazaru Mono no Shi" (死なざる者の死)
English Title: "The Death of the Undying"
Release Date: August 9, 2009 (8/9/2009)
A new episode of Full Metal Alchemist (FMA) Brotherhood is coming this 9th of August. I'm sure many of you guys enjoyed the last episode entitled as "The Arrogant Palm of a Small Human", which was full of action and suspense. As of now, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is considered the hottest anime TV series in Asia. This is no surprise because the FMA Brotherhood series surely is hot and worth-watching.
Is this the last episode of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood? As I checked my source a while ago, it is the last one listed there. Well, I sure hope that FMA Brotherhood episode 19 is not yet the season finale.
FMA Brotherhood 19 will be initially available on Japanese / raw version. Subbed episode translated on various languages will be released days after the initial episode. Be sure to check out the appropriate release date and time of Full Metal Alchemist (FMA) Brotherhood Episode 19 in your area.
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