Pandora Hearts Episode 19 | Watch Pandora Hearts Episode 19 English Sub Raw
Posted in Anime, Pandora Hearts
Watch Pandora Hearts "The Pool of Tears" (Namida no Ike - 涙の池) Online Stream
Did you miss the last episode of Pandora Hearts, episode 18? If so, then here's what you missed:- Pandora Hearts Episode 18 is entitled "Eliot & Leo" or "To Aru Juusha no Shi ni Tsuite (とある従者の死について)" in Japanese / Raw.
- At Latowidge Academy, Oz encountered two students named Leo and Elliot in the library, and soon got into an argument with Elliot. Whilst trying to avoid him, Oz and Ada were captured by some Baskervilles and taken to a secret chamber beneath the school. However, luckily for the siblings, Leo and Elliot arrived to help them escape. While in the tunnel, Elliot confronted Oz, who asked him why he would give himself up so easily to save someone else. Oz answered back saying that his sadness would just be placed on the ones he leaves behind.
I know all of you guys are excited to find out and watch Pandora Hearts Episode 19 which is entitled "The Pool of Tears". We won't have to wait long because Pandora Hearts ep 19 will be initially released on August 6, 2009 (8/6/2009) as Pandora Hearts Episode 19 Raw or Japanese. Pandora Hearts Episode 19 Subbed versions will be released days after. Just check your local listings for the time and availability in your area.