Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 18 | Watch Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 18 English Subbed Raw
Posted in Anime, Bakugan New Vestroia
Watch Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 18 - "Gone, Gone Bakugan?"
Have you watched the last episode of Bakugan New Vestroia, episode 17? Bakugan New Vestroia is not just for kids. For parents or young adults out there, ever wondered why millions of children worldwide are hooked up Bakugan New Vestroia series? Anyway, if you missed Bakugan New Vestroia episode 17 last August 2, here's what you missed:Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 17 Synopsis:
- Dan was upset about losing Drago but tries to move on and think of ways to get him back: Dan started with all out intensive training.
- On New Vestroia, Mylene wanted to close to portal to keep Dan and the others on Earth, but Hydron ordered her not to so as to allow Spectra and Gus time to return, which angered Mylene, who greatly enjoys her new power.
- Apollonir stated that they must retrieve Drago as the Perfect Core is losing power and the other two dimension controllers are growing stronger.
- While training, Dan fainted and had a fever.
- Dan ran out into the park, called out to Drago and lamented over how he lost Drago.
- Apollonir then showed up and to retrieve Drago, but Dan regretfully informed him that he lost Drago.
- Apollonir was disappointed that Dan has given up so easily and suggested that Drago is also upset at himself for losing the battle and letting Dan down.
- Dan woke up and found out that Apollonir has crossed over to Earth!
- Apollonir, linked to the Perfect Core like Drago, has easily found Spectra and teleport everyone there.
- Spectra accepted Dan's challenge but brought out Helios to test if Apollonir is worthy of fighting Drago.
- Apollonir lectureed Spectra on true Bakugan spirit but Spectra believed that power is the only way to win and brought out his Bakugan Trap Metalfencer.
- Apollonir easily took them both down in one hit.
- Spectra finally sends out Drago, but Dan is shocked to see his friend has been altered in appearance while under Spectra's control.
Now, do you believe me when I say that Bakugan New Vestoia is an anime series every weekends that you just can't miss? Bakugan New Vestroia Episode 18 will be released on August 9, 2009 (8/9/2009). Don't miss it! Watch it when it is released in your area. Check your local listings for the time and availability in your area.