2009 Soccer Online (September 12 2009)
Posted in CBAA Soccer, CLCF Soccer, Frisco Soccer Association, MSI Soccer, Newton Girls Soccer, North Reading Youth Soccer, Parsippany Soccer Club, Stoddert Soccer
Ladies and gentlemen, its official, soccer fever is ON! With the FIFA World Cup 2010 fast approaching, soccer/ football teams and tournaments are actively playing all over the world. Just today, 09.12.2009, majority of the keyword searches made online has a soccer or football word in it. Just take a look at these set of keywords searched through Google.
Soccer / Football keywords for Sept 12th 2009:
MSI Soccer, North Reading Youth Soccer, CBAA Soccer, Newton Girls Soccer, Stoddert Soccer, Frisco Soccer Association, CLCF Soccer, Parsippany Soccer Club, Frisco Football League, Intercounty Soccer League, Horsham Soccer, Bridgewater Soccer, YMS Soccer, MOT Soccer.
One wild guess why there's a rampant search for soccer keywords, I checked out the site of MSI Soccer and found out that all the scheduled soccer games today has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. Again, this is just a wild guess to explain the soccer/ football keyword phenomenon today.