12 Yr Old Avi Ben Stella Car Crash (VIDEO)
Posted in avi ben stella, avi ben stella accident, avi ben stella coma, avi ben stella hoax, avi ben stella snopes
I was looking for something to blog about on the Internet when I found out one trending topic online. Its on Twitter, Facebook, Google (GOOG) Hot Trends and many other social websites, a story about a 12 year old boy, Avi Ben Stella who many say are in serious condition after suffering from a fatal car crash. The message about Avi Ben Stella states "Please say a prayer for Avi Ben Stella--a 12 year old boy who was in a very serious car accident and is now in critical condition".
Other reports say that Avi Ben Stella is on Coma after the car crash. But as I tried searching online for proof videos, photos, pictures (pics) are any other evidence that will say that this story is true, I found nothing. Many believe that Avi Ben Stella Car Crash is a complete hoax.
We will give you complete updates about Avi Ben Stella Crash Crash Accident story whenever we find a valid and reliable source for it. If its true, then we must do pray hard for the life of this little boy.